The criterias in the standard is according to the below (Eq 4.1):
Definition of weld components
Tip: For simplicity, the force can be considered as only shear force, see bottom of page.
Design example:
Welded connection with fillet weld size a = 5mm and length L = 100mm is subjected to force F = 10kN according to the figure below. Check compliance according to EN 1993-1-8. Material is S355 with ultimate stress of 470MPa.
Since the force acts in 45degrees angle to the stress components, the stresses will be calcuated according to below.
The calculated stresses is then compared to the criterias in EN 1993-1-8.
Tip: For simplicity, the weld can also be calculated by considering all the load being taken by shear force (as shown below), see section